February 29, 2012

Outliers by Malcom Gladwell

      One of the finest books I have ever read, I would suggest Outliers to anyone and everyone. In Outliers Malcom Gladwell finds patterns in everything from birth months of hockey players to birth years of great lawyers and their parents’ jobs. Backed by evidence in hundreds of studies, he breaks the myth that talent alone always brings you to the top, and shows you that your age, birth date and year, parents, and ancestry really do matter.
     Outliers teaches you the reason of Bill Gates’ success, how Asians are better at math, and even how an airline turned its safety record around. Outliers is very descriptive in explaining the concepts in such depth, with so many examples, that even if you disagreed with Malcom Gladwell’s ideas you would still have to like the book.
     So I would suggest you look up Outliers in your local library, buy it now on Amazon , or take a trip to the bookstore.

-The Silver Crusade

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