December 12, 2009
Breaking News
Poetry abounds. The poets in our midst are busy putting finishing touches on their work whilst they practice reciting poems to share with a live audience. There may be no Emily Dickinson nor Langston Hughes but there are poets with heart; poets sharing their adventures with the written and spoken word. Stay tuned, for not only will you hear from Writer Geek, Leaf, Little Italy, Dr. Seuss, and Pablo, but many other not-yet-famous writers who are anxious to fill your screen with their own brand of poems. Enjoy!
December 11, 2009
Writers Block
Cherry Blossom
I climb into the aged cherry blossom tree
that has lived in my backyard for hundreds of years
I lie on its strong lower branches
I gaze up into the sky
which is crisscrossed with thin frail shoots
the spiderweb of heaven
I feel at ease with the world
I am at peace
I close my eyes and
forget everything
Dr. Seuss
My Type of Day
Pale golden leaves scattered the ground
You can hear the rain,
Pitter pattering
on the brick path and terra cotta roof.
The trees are swaying,
Slowly and silently,
The sky an almost white-grey fortress of light,
Not dismal,
Not totally dark,
Casting a brilliant shadow
On everything beneath it,
And making the world look like a color palette.
The darkness is lifted
Like a heavy curtain
But the light sky chooses when to drop
Tiny gleaming rain drops which cling to everything.
The tree's bark is a dark relaxing black
And compelements the leaves
In a most magical way--
Dropping, falling
And here I sit on an old blue cooler,
Just sitting
And watching the rain
Writer Geek
You can hear the rain,
Pitter pattering
on the brick path and terra cotta roof.
Slowly and silently,
The sky an almost white-grey fortress of light,
Not dismal,
Not totally dark,
Casting a brilliant shadow
On everything beneath it,
And making the world look like a color palette.
The darkness is lifted
Like a heavy curtain
But the light sky chooses when to drop
Tiny gleaming rain drops which cling to everything.
The tree's bark is a dark relaxing black
And compelements the leaves
In a most magical way--
Dropping, falling
And here I sit on an old blue cooler,
Just sitting
And watching the rain
Writer Geek
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