October 6, 2009

Friday, that being the 9th of October

Count D., or someone resembling him, will be in class on or about 11:00 on Friday, to assist all the meerkats in their blogging activities.   He will offer answers, hopefully most being of the correct kind, advice, and a shoulder to boo-hoo on for our fledgling bloggers.

Keep in mind that the RIGHT shoulder is for boo-hooing as the LEFT one serves to hold up the small world as we know it.

Count D. may appear in costume, as in the picture on the left, or appear as his regular self, which may be totally unrecognizable from the picture on the left.   If you see someone in class that doesn't usually appear on Fridays, meerkats, it's a good bet that would be him.  I mean I, or, informally, me.

See you then!


  1. Tres charmante, which is French for "Oh, but if only I were so verbally talented to be able to say what I mean, mean what I say, and what I say won't be mean."
    You know all that, so it was much simpler and less too type if I'd just stuck with
    "Tres Charmante"

    I'm out of here...

  2. Sooooooooooo good! LOve it. Can' wait for the bloggers


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