February 4, 2011

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

I was at Barnes and Noble one chilly December night when The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner was given to me as a gift. The title is quite a mouthful yet it gives away only enough to draw you in. Once again Stephanie  Meyer has produced a book that is enticing gripping and somewhat magical. All her books are can't-put-down books, however, they are all the same. I believe that the reason many people enjoy Meyer's work is because it is written very well, no doubt about that, and there are many books for you to feed your senses on. If you get bored with books too easily the Twilight series is a pretty safe bet for you. I think this is the case because I have always thought of them as very reliable books. If you are considering reading the Short Second Life of Bree Tanner first you need to read Eclipse or else the book will seem confusing and pointless. And before you read Eclipse you need to read New Moon and Twilight. The road to reading the Short Second Life of Bree Tanner is a long one, however, I hope you will find it to be an enjoyable one.
~Doctor Seuss


  1. Dr. Seuss,
    I loved your book review because of the way you used metaphors. It really gives a feel to your great writing.

  2. Doctor Seuss,
    I didn't like the Twilight books at all. Would reading this book change my view of them? I may try it out. Awesome review!
    - Harry Potter


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