June 29, 2010

When You Reach Me

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When You Reach Me, Rebecca Stead

As Miranda helps her mother prepare for her appearance on the game show, ‘The $20,000 Pyramid,’ mysteries abound. He best friend, Sal, is no longer her best friend. People may not be as they appear. Mysterious notes are left suggesting that Miranda has the clue to help her friend, though she may not realize it until it is too late. This book holds all of the things childhood is made of: weird folks, friends, enemies, stern adults (who maybe aren’t as mean as they seemed after all), misunderstandings, and intrigue. If you’ve read or even heard of A Wrinkle in Time, this book is for you. Does time move in a straight line or are there ‘wrinkles’ that allow some of us to see what is going to unfold before it actually occurs? Join Miranda and her friends on this adventure. You’ll be glad you did.
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