June 16, 2010

Looking Back

Looking Back: A Book of Memories, Lois Lowry
Lois Lowry has a gift, writing. In each book she writes she shares a part of her story. This book, billed as a book of memories shares her life from childhood through her own children’s lives. It is a pleasant read with lots of pictures of her family members, which also makes it a quick read. Don’t be fooled by the breeziness of the format. Once again she shares words that make us think, feel, and grow as a result of having read them.
I have come to believe that all of us, as we write, or read, or draw….
as we hold the pages of a book tilted so that a little one can see…
as we choose and wrap a book as a gift for a child…
as we provide privacy and a comfortable chair, or a favorite book on a table beside a guest room bed…
as we sift through memories, sort them out, and see their meaning…
and as we look back, and say to a child, ‘I remember---‘
we do, in fact, hold the knowledge of centuries.
And we all become Givers.

This book is recommended for children and the adults who care about them. Enjoy~

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