October 9, 2009

Roll Call

Today is the day of pseudonyms. Even we don't even know who we are!

Dr Seuss is a loose goose but not as fast as
Dr. Pearly Whites, DDS who brushed by in a hurry.

Writer Geek has become awesomely cool!
Pablo thinks this cheesy entry is cheesy so
Cucumber is busy making tea sandwiches. No cheese here!

Skyler Mae is floating in the universe while
Leaf is blowing in the wind.

Little Italy is cooking pasta.
The Cat in the Hat is preening himself even though
Moo Cow is mooing loudly while
The Octopus is providing ink for our efforts.

K is a meerkat of few words but
MT is trying to fill his head with good ideas.

Number One is at the bottom of the list, though is tops to us!

We are incognito though not to those


  1. I like the pictures!!

  2. I think this is extremely cool -- I can't wait to read what you guys write!

  3. haha I love it.
    Can,t wait until you post more!!!!!

  4. Love, love, love, love it!! So funny. Write away, I'm waiting!


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