fit in when you are born to stand out?” From
the day she arrives at quiet Mica High in a burst of color and sound, hallways
hum “Stargirl.” She captures Leo Borlock’s heart with one smile and sparks a
school-spirit revolution with one cheer. The students of Mica High are
enchanted, until they are not. Then Leo urges her to become the very thing that
can destroy her - normal.
Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli is a wonderful tale of what
it means to be a unique individual in this world of conformity. Stargirl is embraced by many as a positive,
energetic force in the community. However,
there are some people who don’t know how to handle her uniqueness and
eventually become frustrated by her and her actions. Stargirl’s adventures and experiences are a
rollercoaster that keeps us captivated till the end.
you are a fan of Jerry Spinelli, you’ll enjoy this story. If you haven’t read his work, now is the time
to start. Stargirl will captivate you
with her quirky behavior. You will end
up wanting to be like her or wishing you had her as a friend. We all need a Stargirl in our lives!
Joanna B.